I thought at first this was Satan coming after me, I'm not so sure now. The thing that terrifies me is that it may be God whose coming. I've finally taken the first step, I think that may have been what he was waiting for. He's been faithful before, but He's on the move now. It scares me because I spent years taking the easy way out. I hid, retreated, built walls. I finally found a place that was safe, calm. I had run far enough, I was hidden well enough. I could rest. I think I just jumped up and shouted, "Here I am. Come get me!"
God is bigger than I thought he was and he's coming fast. I'm no longer convinced this process is going to be pleasant. I find myself taking steps back. Hiding in trenches I vacated long ago - reinforcing walls - looking for a way out. What if He reaches me? What if He doesn't? I'm not brave enough to advance. I'm too tired to retreat.
I've heard that if a broken bone doesn't heal right the first time it has to be re-broken so it can be set properly. I'm afraid when I was injured the first time I ran away. I didn't seek God's healing. I hid away in caves of doubt and self pity and tried to mend myself. I thought I had. I was wrong. I've asked for God's healing now, and I may have to be broken - reset. That concerns me a little.
When I sat down to do my quiet time tonight two songs kept running through my head. I was so moved by them that I actually had to stop and sing them (yes, I'm that guy). The first is Sanctuary:
Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary
Pure and holy, tried and true
With thanksgiving, I'll be a living
Sanctuary for You
It occurs to me that if I that's my prayer, if I want those things, to be true I must be tried. It makes this song difficult to sing, but I can't stop. Every time I stop typing to think it replays in my head. I'm pretty sure a big part of me wants to be that living sanctuary. For the rest of me, the part that can't overlook the word tried, God has provided a second song.
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
I have a new favorite. I think he is on the move. I had a similar feeling last night...i tought I might throw up,
and, you're right. He sure isn't tame. I think it is so appropriate to be afraid of him. I am filling with that fear. But in the same breath, I am longing for the goodness. Because as untame as he his, he is even more good. Stap on your seatbelt, boys.
p.s. what happened to the other night's blog? i liked it, then it was gone
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